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Become a Signatory

Thank you for your interest in signing on to the Guiding Principles for Tourism's New Future.


As a signatory, we ask that you:

  • Commit to being part of a global journey: Through this coalition, we are seeking to listen, create a dialogue, and provide resources to help tourism managers and stakeholders. We seek your honest feedback and participation as we develop activities and resources that will support your work.

  • Share what has worked and what hasn’t in your sustainable tourism journey: The form below asks for information about your activities, your successes, and your challenges.

  • Outline how the Guiding Principles align with your recovery and climate action plans: There is much uncertainty for tourism stakeholders around the world. We are interested in learning how your recovery and climate action plans might align with the guiding principles we have outlined.


To join this global community, please complete and submit the information form below. The form can also be accessed here.


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